Ma 2025. 2. 17, hétfõ, Donát napja van.
How to register to Karate Marathon 2020? Click >>HERE<< Karate Maraton is a yearly event for kyokushin karate, where the participants train and compete together for the whole day. For information about entering the competition, travel, accomodation or anything else, please contact us by E-mail (szappanos.karatemaraton@gmail.com). Osu! Let me introduce myself! My name is Zoltán Szappanos, I was born on 21.12.1966 in Budapest. I am married, I have 3 children, two sons and a daughter. I started my kyokushin careeer with Shihan Halász Károly, in Kõbánya, 1983. Afterwards I was enlisted to the army in 1986, but before I quit in 1988, I took the 4th kyu exam in front of Shihan Furkó Kálmán. After that, I left the karete sport for various reasons. I restarted in the Karate section of the DMTK (a local sport club) in Dunaharaszti, in 2010. We belong to the IBK kyokushin karate associaton, our leader is Dr. Hanshi Ádámy István, 8th dan. We currently belong to the Seiken STKE, our lead trainer is Sensei Németh Pál 4th dan. If possible, we also participate every week in the trainings of Sensei Szentes János 4th dan. Besides those, most of our training sessions take place at the Seiren dojo in our home. We participate in numerous karate events, where we are always welcome. I run a pottery potery business in my everyday life. My hobbies include running (I am a multiple time maratonist runner), cycling, fishing, sailing and other water sports. What I live for: To love my family and become a better person in every way. To teach and support those who chose the path of kyokushin karate. To deepen the love, honest togetherness and commitment of the people who are involved in the karate sport in Hungary. To organise the Karate Maraton every year with my best knowledge and possibilities, to create a tradition with it, where the karatekas don't have to defeat others, but themselves! My motto: I don't know the word 'impossible', impossible doesn't exist for me! Yours thankfully: Zoltán Szappanos, 3rd dan |
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